Monday, September 30, 2013

Futuristic technology

By: Amira Yahia
Technology is the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives. Technology is how to make the existing things more modern. I believe that without technology we wouldn’t be able to do many things. I think that predicting what will happen in the future is a difficult task but if we have to, we can predict that through non-touch screens. As touch screens make a real breakthrough in the race of technology. Let’s imagine if we have a screen that can operate on mere instructions: You are holding your mobile telling it open gallery and so on. Or a screen can operate what we want by just looking at it! I think it is going to be a magnificent technology.
What about dreaming of a laptop that can read your mind! It will be a really useful invention for those who forget their ideas quickly and for the talented people. I began to believe that everything is possible. Unseen computers: computers are everywhere but unseen.
Permanent lenses: they can be an alternative for Lasik surgeries. Why a surgery if we have permanent lenses.
Agricultural technology: a technology which will be able to make crops better. I think if we have such a technology, world’s economy won’t face big annual loses.

These were some predictions for the futuristic technology which will be real sooner or later and that is because everything is possible. Predicting futuristic technology won’t be difficult, so we have to imagine and search for ways to make our imaginations real and I can bet that such technology will help us and be available to us all the time.

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