Monday, September 30, 2013

Ssickly “Speak Up”

Truly outspoken Sheavon Givans, musically known as Ssickly “Speaks Up” in his new single about the injustice and political conspiracy. Ssickly gets deeply emotional about his disdain for the innocent minds, surreptitiously corrupted and sent to prison for “espionage.” Ingeniously shot at a graveyard, the team behind this music video (Produced by Peon Beats, Directed and Edited by Leon-Pierre Answer) pulled together simplicity with vivid imagination and a clear direction. The black and white premise of the music video heightens the sadness, whilst the red theme depicts bloodshed, death of the mind and soul of men and the urgency of men and women alike to make a liberal change.

As the speech accentuate the lyrics of the song, the theme love for humanity, not hatred against humanity resonates throughout. Mankind should unite, fight for liberty, stand up for their rights, and indeed, “Speak Up” is the key message that Ssickly imparts to all who will listen.

On this note, to the hard-working and diligent team, thumbs up, both the song and music video are a clear winner. #SsicklySpeakUp

-          Diana M. Williams "Made To Write"
Kingston, Jamaica.

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