Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ensuring Environmental Sustainability “Animal World”

Since childhood I had affection towards animals and can feel the pain they go through every day. When I along with my friends started animal welfare project, people laughed at us. In a society where people don’t get justice, their rights get violated, unemployment in increasing, inflation, and food crises as well as many diseases is increasing and we wanted to work for animals? Sounds crazy isn’t it?

We eat, wear, and use animals daily for our own benefits, still we abuse them. Why? Humans cannot understand their language. Is this their fault? We invest so much money for pedigree animals but what about non pedigree animals? Don’t birds have right to fly? How would we feel if we have to spend all our life in a cage like a slave? Why we give them high dosages of medicines for over production? We are so blind to see that these high dosages have so many side effects. These medicines eventually lead to the painful deaths of not only animals but humans too. Thousands of animals die each year in flood, can’t we do anything about it? Why we have become so selfish that we cannot even feel their pain? People mistreat animals for their own entertainment, hit them while driving, experiment on them, keep them in cages and there is no one to help. Thousands of birds die in Pakistan because of thirst in summer. Can’t we put a small bowl of water for them? We can save lives if we put little effort. That is why we initiated project “Animal World” so that we can spread awareness about the issues, give easy solutions and save lives.

We have taught inspired and encouraged people through our program. We went to schools and conducted awareness sessions. We also pasted awareness charts on streets, as well as visited poultry farms and shelter houses to help animals there. Our journey doesn’t end here and soon we will involve more people and save more innocent lives. Let’s hold hands together and make this world a better place for everyone to live because earth is not our home only.

Name: SyedaNayumLatif
Karachi, Pakistan

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