Friday, November 22, 2013

Little Child

Sweet little child, confused and alone,

Endured too much, your childhood corrupted;

Yet inside that mind of toddler adult,

Heroes in red capes to save you, expected.

Tough little child, age beyond years,

Please learn to cry and express all those fears;

Your eyes have seen too much too soon, my boy,

It’s not fair that fiction sounds warmer than home.

So I pray you fear dragons, not men.

Please beg just for ice cream, not bread.

Paint outside the lines

Sing along when it rhymes

And never, please, ever, suppress any smiles.

Let’s build a fortress of pillows together,

Protect us from villains, this world and bad weather;

Let these soft walls be your safe spot and shelter,

Put down your guard, it’s your choice who can enter.

Promise me child, that wherever you are,

You’ll never forget to play and laugh hard.

I need you to tell me that somebody hugs you,

Tickles and toys you and kisses good night too.

I’d climb out my fortress and manage with weather

To find you my child, and get by together;

But if we are forced to forget each other,

I pray you remember these lines:

Fear dragons, not men

Beg for ice cream, not bread

Paint outside the lines

Sing along when it rhymes

And never, please, ever forget how to smile.

agustina papu

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