Saturday, May 27, 2017

Take a new step..!

Life is all about tragedies, and it is always unpredictable. Many of you are enjoying good and sound life and many of you wishing to fulfill their needs.
In fact, I should say that many people are living luxurious life and many are hoping for luxuries life and fulfilling their dream, while there are also such people who are dreaming for their dreams to be achieved and successfully satisfy their needs, but ever you noticed that there are a large number of individuals who are not able to accomplish their basic needs even. Yes! We are living in such state, city, town and a village where our neighbors do not have the power to achieve their needs.
The sad fact that we have to admit Government is not doing as they are supposed to do. That is the reason why people are compelled to beg, and the bitter reality according to the owners of different organizations such people who don’t know how to give them an excellent reference are not eligible to get a job. Ah! The merit of getting employment is a significant reference. Let’s move ahead…
I used to go from a marketplace to reach my university, and the conditions were same like always, that was quite peaceful, because no one mostly came out in hot sunny day and preferred to live in their cold and quiet homes, I was feeling so hot so preferred to buy a slush before go to university from the market on my way. Then, I saw an old man. Yes! He was also there today as always in the hot sunny day without wearing slippers and asking for money. Sometimes he able to collect a coin from anyone and sometime 10pkr, Very rarely I saw people offering him more than 50pkr to 100pkr. Because, when we saw any beggar asking for money, we searched for a change in our wallets.
Oh people, you right! Obviously, we can’t give them whole money or money which make our pocket money short, but we can offer them a small amount and ask from Almighty to give us in return. 
Let’s continue the thing; I was saying that he was still there today in the hot day and asking for money. Someone came near him gave him 10pkr then while he was moving to the car to ask for money than the person sitting in the car start to cover up his window. And after gathering a lot of courage, he made up his mind and stopped his heart because his heart was angry for asking from others. He went to a fit person and requested a money by giving him a lot of prayers just for the sake of money, but he insulted him by saying go and learn and blah blah… (we all know about that) and moved away. Then I saw tears in the eyes of old man, and he was nothing but nerveless. He made his way. I continued to chase him without giving an answer to my heart why I am doing this?
He stopped at the Naan-shop and bought a “Naan” and then moved to the corner house on the street. He entered into his old shabby house and presented that spicy hot “Naan” to make his paralyzed son happy and to fulfill his basic need. How small his need is..! And we ask for much more. Wa’Allah. He was living with his son, and his wife died many years before while suffering from the severe disease. How merciless their life is..! Let’s move towards reality,
We do not know, but a bitter hard truth is hidden behind the beggars and the person who wear proper costumes to entertain us by cracking a joke, by dancing in front of us. We never felt that their eyes deserted from shine and happiness, but their duty is to entertain the public by graving thousand wounds in their heart.
The question is what required from us..?       Just a feeling and courage to help them even by 10pkr per day, you can even choose a day in the week when you will give charity, it maybe Friday, the best day of days. Or start your week by giving charity on Monday. Again saying, it maybe only your 10 rupees per week/day or a month. Try to build yourself able to help others. Remember, in return Allah will bless you in double. Jazak’Allah.
Remember me in your prayers.


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